Imaginary Dialogues
He Who Talks to the Dead - and the Alive. 100% AI. Well, almost.

He who talks to the Dead - and the Alive! 100% AI. Well, almost.

About Imaginary Dialogues

Imaginary Dialogues was born in February 2024. After using the AI for various purposes, Helmar Rudolph decided to probe its "knowledge" of famous and not so famous people. The first one to bite the AI bullet was Tony Robbins, followed by other motivational speakers, such as Suze Orman, Dave Ramsey, Jack Canfield, Robert Kiyosaki, and Nick Vujicic. Helmar asked, the AI answered. The genie was out of the bottle.

Initially, not knowing where it would lead, Helmar only copied the questions he posed to his interview guests, and their respective answers. Then it occurred to him that a role reversal would be rather cool, too. Said, done. But what about those who don't know the interview guest, and worse, about Helmar? "Please start with a biography on both X and Helmar." Done!

At various times Helmar maxed out his quota, with the AI forcing him to have a 2.5 hour break. Tell that to someone whose creative juices are flowing like mad! But that was fine, too.

As the interview formats become standardized, Helmar started on the design of a cover page. Images were pulled from publicly available sources, and creatively modified and ajusted. The result you see below, although the original cover page

Collage of influential figures with thematic words.

The small squares are cute, but obviously grossly lacking when it comes to a website version. The idea of a half-tone effect featuring the brand colours was devised, and what better way to make it all happen efficiently than to use Final Cut Pro (yes!) and a number of effects, underlays, opacity and size changes in order to have a nice title pic.

As the days rolled by, more people were added. At first, Helmar scribbled down the names of those that came to mind first. At the end over 100 names made up the initial list. People who are still very much alive and kicking complemented those who long passed on to a different realm - some from natural causes, others by accident, others were assassinated, and yet others decided to take their own life. All in all a really vibrant bunch of people were "interviewed", including - for good measure - some cartoon characters, thanks to Guy Shepherd for the idea.

AI's pendulum swings neither too far to the left nor to the right. There are no spikes. It's almost too sanitized, too clean, albeit always positive, friendly and informative.

Helmar Rudolph

"No such thing takes shape without recognizing certain patterns. Well, at least those who pay attention recognize them, and I did. I noticed that the AI was moving within a really narrow bandwidth; its pendulum neither swings too far to the left nor to the right. There are no spikes. It's almost too sanitized, too clean, albeit always positive, friendly and informative. AI is certainly no friend to controversy. Smooth as a baby's bottom it pulls up the anwers, mechanically sound while still missing the odd beat. You asked for 10 questions and answers, it only gave you 9. When you forgot to provide really concise instructions, it pulled in some woke current affairs bullshit like societal change and environmental crises. Well, yeah, societies are in constant change, and last time I checked Bondi Beach in Sydney, the water level hadn't changed in over 100 years. I then asked the AI to refrain from tuning into the current Zeitgeist, and it obliged.

AI: What it doesn't know, it doesn't show

I noticed another thing: when it knows little about a person, the questions posed to this person are rather limited. The same applies to the answers. In this case the person was I. It reduced me to certain activities like CRM, Master Key System, astrology and Human Design, the latter being only a faint and rather recent interest of mine.

I was also a bit disappointed about its inability to portray the Master Key System (MKS) in a more indepth and vivid way, reducing it to overused phrases like "law of attraction" and "positive thinking". Even after uploading a fully copy of the MKS, it failed to get the gist of it. But then again, the MKS is a course over 6 months. Why should the AI figure it all out within seconds? So it - once again - kept it pretty superficial and within a narrow corridor. Those au fait with the MKS will realise this very quickly when reading my answers.

You've gotta start somewhere

So here we are, on March 13, 2024, summarizing and reminiscing about the past month and a half. It's been a great ride thus far. Not only do I have plenty of additional "victims" on my mental shortlist, but also lots of ideas what could be done with it. I just need to keep my interest going long enough, because with my 5 of DIamonds birth card, I'm the seeker of values. Let's just see where this baby gets us. There's plenty one could do with it. It is, however, your feedback that will make or break it. I am more than happy with what I've created, and if you, too, have the feeling that I revived parts of the soul of those deceased, and brought them back to life even if only for a brief moment, then it will have been worth the while. Better still, if you get something out of it that changes your or your loved ones' life for the better, then I will be more than content.

Lastly, there are gazillions of people I didn't interview. Some i didn't think about, others I left out on purpose. The latter ones because they - at least in my estimation - are not deserving of undue attention. So you see, it's a very personal thing, these imaginary dialogues. Personal stuff is by default controversial. That said, I have no interest in controversy. I'm a seeker for the truth, and so should you, so take from them what you deem fit or appropriate, and make that shine your own light ever more brightly in the name of love, justice and truth, and to the delight of the one creator.

I shall, as always, remain with peace and blessings,

Helmar, Cape Town, South Africa | | |

About ID

Imaginary Dialogues is the brainchild of German-born corporate brain surgeon, creative, visionary, author and consultant, Helmar Rudolph. The dialogues are held with people who are still alive as well as those who have already departed. All dialogues have been generated via AI, and personally curated.